Snow Camp introduces the new Wellbeing Management team

In the last year, the team at Snow Camp has been growing. Alongside new staff at HQ, we made the decision to recruit a team of Wellbeing Managers to join us across the UK, to offer support to our Programme Managers and the young people on our courses.  

The Wellbeing Managers have been a huge addition to the Snow Camp teams in each region. Alongside being another positive role model, they have also brought an additional skillset to the table, which has allowed our First Tracks courses to incorporate a sometimes difficult, but necessary, conversation around mental health and wellbeing. 



During the First Tracks course, the Wellbeing Managers deliver two Wellbeing workshops with the young people:    


Workshop 1: 

The first workshop is all about how to address Negative Thoughts.  

Putting yourself out of your comfort zone by trying a new sport is not an easy thing to do. Doing it in front of all your peers where the chances of failure are high is something that could instigate negative thoughts into many of our heads.  

The workshops are interactive sessions where young people highlight some of their anxieties or worries prior to going on the slopes for the first time, or straight after their first session.  

The Wellbeing Managers pose a set of questions such as: 


“Is there a possible different outcome than the one you are worried about? Or am I making assumptions based on my emotions, or confusing a feeling with a fact?”


This helps the group reframe and loosen the grip on some of their negative thoughts.   


Workshop 2:  

The second workshop is on Goal Setting.   

Besides helping develop a growth mindset, effective goal setting creates other benefits for young people: 

  • It teaches young people to organise time and tasks. 
  • It can increase motivation, self-efficiency, and sense of achievement. 
  • It shows young people how to use others for accountability and inspiration  

During this workshop, young people are encouraged to draw their own Goal Ladder! Using a stair-step visual for goal-setting, young people can break down their goals into doable steps by following a simple method. 

Through these workshops we have seen significant increases in young people’s self-esteem and sense of achievement, even after a two day period. 


Meet our Wellbeing Managers:  

Wellbeing Managers

Carrie McLelland – Scotland


Paige Bell – London


Laura Baker – North West
