Snow Camp Charity: Turning Young Lives Around with the Power of Snowsports

Since 2003, Snow Camp have been harnessing the power of skiing & snowboarding to break down barriers, broaden horizons and address the biggest social issues facing underserved young people today.

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Our mission is to turn young lives around through the power of snowsports combined with engaging opportunities, positive relationships and life-changing progression.

Our Aims


young people effectively and maintain a positive involvement with them through our youth-led journey of accredited programmes, delivered in new environments where they can thrive.


young people from a diverse range of backgrounds and communities, enabling them to build friendships and experience inclusivity.


young people the skills they need and raise their aspirations through new qualifications, vocational training, employment opportunities and apprenticeships on our programmes.


life skills through learning to ski or snowboard, building resilience, perseverance and determination whilst overcoming fear and instantaneously gaining a sense of achievement.


positive mental health and wellbeing by providing advice and support, workshops and 1 to 1 counselling sessions on all our programmes.


young people through opportunities to experience new mountain environments to widen their horizons and achieve long-lasting inspirational impact.


accessibility and participation in snowsports to promote equality and inclusivity.

Our Programmes

Our programmes are unique and attractive to young people, taking them from beginner to qualified snowsports instructors in one year with volunteering and apprenticeship progression routes available at the end. Alongside learning to ski or snowboard, young people also have access to life skills training and mental health support. Find out more about each course below.

First Tracks

The first course in our series of courses, which provides young people with their first experience of snowsports combined alongside life skills training.

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After completing First Tracks, young people can join Graduate where they will further develop their snowsports skills over 5 weekends. Young people attend life skills sessions, a mental wellbeing workshop and gain an ASDAN certificate in Sports and Fitness.

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Excel supports young people who wish to pursue a career in the snowsports industry and achieve a British Association of Snowsports Instructors (BASI) Foundation Instructor training certificate. After completing Graduate, young people train for a further 10 weeks on Excel and have access to mental wellbeing workshops and 1-1 wellbeing sessions.

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Every year several young people who have completed our Excel course are provided with paid, full-time employment for 1 year at Snow Camp.

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Youth Forum

Volunteering and training opportunities for young people who have attended Excel. Young people also have access to mental wellbeing workshops and 1-1 wellbeing sessions.

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Where We Work

Map V2

Snow Camp London

Our London courses are run by Angus Maclellan and take place at the Snow Centre in Hemel Hempstead.

07568 114396

Snow Camp North West

Our North West courses are run by Morv Bett and take place at the Chill Factore in Manchester.

07857 694953

Snow Camp Scotland

Our Scotland courses are run by Laura McIntyre and take place at Snow Factor and Bearsden Ski and Board Club in Glasgow.

Laura McIntyre 07714 754476

Snow Camp Midlands

Our Midlands courses are run by Amiee Borton and take place at the SnowDome in Tamworth.

07568 114397

Working in partnership with Snow Camp we have been able to provide young people across our Youth Zones with experiences they will never forget and enables them to achieve more than they ever thought was possible, raising their aspirations, learning new skills and developing a strong sense of self belief. It’s a partnership we value hugely and we hope will grow and flourish into the future.

Kathryn Morley CEO, OnSide Youth Zones
Laquan Circle Website

If I hadn’t got involved with Snow Camp I would be in a lot of trouble for doing the wrong things with the wrong people. Not because of who I am but because of the influence on the the estates. With no real direction or ambition it’s easy to get sucked into a lifestyle so many people around you are living. Snow Camp has helped me to have a positive future and now I have a full time job in the snowsports industry!

Laquan Snow Camp Youth Volunteer
Ashleigh Circle Headshot for Website

I have Asperger's Syndrome and a chronic illness called CFS/ME. Snow Camp has been a life changing opportunity that has completely changed how I see myself and I have learnt that I can push myself further than I ever thought possible. Snow Camp is a welcome respite from my responsibilities at home, both physically and emotionally. I have discovered a profound passion for snowboarding, and I can’t wait to further develop my skills.

Ashleigh Snow Camp young person
Image of Jenny Jones

I love the way Snow Camp uses my sport to support young people who wouldn't ever get the chance to get involved in snowsports – and beyond that, to enable them to get qualifications and access to employment in the snowsports industry. I’m so honoured to be on board as a patron.

Jenny Jones Sochi 2014 Olympic Bronze Medallist and Snow Camp Patron

Upcoming Events

Our Awards

National Apprenticeship Awards
Not A Red Card Awards
Princess Royal Training Awards
Community Sport and Rec Awards
London Youth Gold Quality Mark
London Youth Silver Quality Mark
Apprenticeship National Award 2015 logo
community sport award logo
Volunteer Friendly Award

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